What do you practise at work? In life?
They say that if you want to get good at something, it takes 10,000 hours of practice. Whether that's true or not, we don't know, but whatever you do a lot and often, you'll definitely be great at it. And that goes for everything, absolutely everything. Those of us who work to simplify change in organisations usually highlight this, with a film that we have shown countless times.
"If you usually do your best to ensure that every meeting you attend adds value, you will be good at it!"
If you tend to show interest and curiosity about different development needs - you will be good at it. If you usually hide behind the fact that you do not have time to contribute to the change process - you will be good at it. If you usually do your best to ensure that all meetings you attend are value-creating, you will be good at it!
Here is the film clip of Preem Rawat, a real classic we think.